Gremlins Ahoy!

Recently, my mate Foshie signed up as a foster carer for cats, looking after those without homes or that have been badly treated. His first, Leon, took to hiding under the bed, but he was very affectionate and would come and make a fuss if you went up to see him ... though the least said about the results of too much catnip, the better!

Leon found a home last week, so Foshie was all prepared for the next tenant, who arrived last night.

How would you react when the lady delivering the animal pulls this out of her hat?
Foshie's reaction: "My God, she's hideous!"

Personally, I'd have pissed myself laughing - in fact, I do every time I look at this pic: the poor thing looks like its walked into one too many patio doors. Though in a strange way, she is quite cute...


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