New Look ... Again

Taking a page out of Facebook's ... um ... book, you will notice this blog has had yet another change to it's template!

It seems like only a few posts ago that I changed the template to something a bit cleaner - which is probably true - but with the length of time between posts being something of an epoch, I figured those of you who do pop by from time to time could probably do with a change.  I know I did when I logged back on.

Up to now, I have been bemoaning the fact that Blogger is not as flexible as Wordpress and considering moving everything over to something a bit more popular.  However, after wasting time configuring this latest template, I have discovered that ThemeForest have a range of Blogger templates!!

Who knew?!?!

If there are Blogger themes on ThemeForest, then there must be other options elsewhere.  So, you can look forward to an all new look in the coming weeks, just as soon as I have worked out how to do it.

Nothing like having a bit of variety :-)


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